
Google, Software Engineer (2016 - present)

Tech Lead, Google Drive Preview

Web frontend to display multiple document types in Drive, Gmail, and several other internal and external products. [JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Java]

Technical Interviewer

Team adviser, Google CodeU

Outreach program pairing teams of undergraduate students with Google engineers to work on a semester-long project to build work experience and interview skills. [Android]

Radiant Blue, Software Engineer (2016)

Cloud geoprocessing

Prototype for model cloud processing architecture based on off-the-shelf open-source components. [Scala, Apache Kafka, GeoTools]

Individual Contributor, GeoTrellis

Open-source geospatial operations for the Apache Spark distributed processing framework. [Scala, Java, C]

Open Technology Institute, Independent Contractor (2015)

Designed and implemented Piecewise, a configurable ingest script and web frontend for exporting and summarizing internet measurement data for interactive visualization. [Postgres, Python, Vagrant, Ansible]

Boundless Spatial (formerly OpenGeo), Software Engineer (2007-2015)


Open-source geospatial database offering provenance-tracking, difference reporting, and automated merging tools inspired by the Git version control software. [Scala, Java, BerkeleyDB]

Tech Lead, GeoNode

Open-source Django app for building geospatial data portals, supporting publishing and search to make data products available for visualization and download. [Python, Django, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Java]

Individual Contributor, GeoServer

Open-source implementation of Open Geospatial Consortium standard protocols for geospatial data access and visualization. [Java, GeoTools, Spring Framework]

Duke University (2004 - 2007)

Teaching Assistant

Software development

Personal Open-Source Projects


Touchscreen photobooth application designed for Raspberry Pi with commodity camera/printer. [Rust, ffmpeg, OpenVG]

GeoServer CSS

Extension providing alternate cartographic styling language for GeoServer. Now adopted as community-maintained project. [Scala, GeoTools]


Duke University, 2007